(41 mins ago)
AGAIN I CALL -- One More Time - What is wrong with this conversation?
Because what is apart to me in the words shared through adam4adam here
to you Mr Bryan Hull, you cannot be trusted to the reading of
conversations here that if you were a VIP member, Adam4dam on their own
FAQ say conversations are 200 messages in cumulative complete. That is a
conversation established definition here on adam4adam. As you are aware
each message is 2000 character --- that is a conversation.
Do you want to have 2016 actual conversation? I do not see anything in
this conversation to make it sensibler that you are a real person of
character and integrity to the events that happened in January.
I see no reason not to also include this conversation of today to:
fuckeduphuman [dot] net [slash] [WebDomains] [slash] adam4adam [dot] com [slash] mixedkattraw [slash]
and then also take this conversation and with VOXDOX make it SPOKEN
VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE to why you have no common sense to receive the
messages that you are sent via adamadam and read it like a man and
respond like man. You are childish in this behavior setting yourself
into here.