Show Yourself Off - Upload a Photo

Max number of photos: 1 primary, 1 Primary App Photo, 4 other (Public/Private) .

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Other Pics:
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Primary photo Action
user Pic rating

Primary Photo

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user Pic rating

Primary App Photo


  user Pic

Primary App Photo

Awaiting activation

Public Photo(s) Action
No Public Photo
Private Photo(s) Action
No Private Photo
Hidden Photo(s) Action
No Hidden Photo

Key Rules

Primary photo: The main photo that displays on your profile

Primary app photo: displays in native apps (Apple, Android) when your primary photo is rated X

Public photo: available to all members for viewing

Private photo: photos you unlock for individual members (can be relocked at any time)

Icon Rating Display location
G web, mobile, web app, native apps
X web, mobile, web app
unrated web, mobile, web app

Images must be of YOU

Image of sex acts are not permitted (oral, anal, penetration or masturbation)

Group photos are not permitted unless you share a profile and the profile states it is shared. For example: "We are a couple looking for..." , "We are 3 friends looking for..."

Text in photos is not permitted, other than your username, real name, date, or email address. To protect your photos we recommend you put your username on the photo.